Happy Friday ya'll!!!
Found here.
Now, since last weeks product didn't get very long I will also keep it this week too!
And, finally, I will be postponing my order until Friday. So, if you didn't get a chance to order you still can!
Now why talk about this taboo? Because I can tell you that most men have at least entertained the thought of giving (and perhaps even receiving) anal with their partner. Its a tighter entrance that causes greater friction and therefore more pleasure for them. But I can tell you this, it creates different sensations for a woman too and can be equally pleasurable.
There are right ways and wrong ways to go about it.
First (and this is VERY important) is to remember that this particular orifice is NOT self lubricating. A good water soluble lubricant is highly recommend.
Next, if the thought of something that big going into your exit makes you nervous and tense then it will probably be best for you to start small. Try a finger to start with then graduate to personal toys (they make a wide variety), and then when you're ready you can attempt the real thing. Its better all around if you are relaxed and into the moment. Speaking from the women's point of view, its easiest if you are close to climaxing. And, this one may sound crazy, but if you are pregnant it may make you more relaxed due to the chemical called Relaxin that your body makes naturally when its expecting.
Third, to the person doing the giving remember to go SLOW for your partner until they are ready to go on, sometimes it takes a minute to adjust to the size.
Now then, something else to think about is that it can be pleasurable for a guy as well. As in, something in their rear. The extra pressure that's created puts more pressure on the prostate gland and will give them a very intense and satisfying orgasm.
Just remember to keep the line of communication open, and if your partner thinks they can handle something and it turns out they can't, don't get upset or mad, just try again later! Engaging in anal with your partner takes a lot of trust and openness, and ultimately can be one of the most intense experience you can have together.
Article found here.
By special request, Vin Diesel!!
Is he one of the sexiest men alive...yes I really do think so!
Most men (sorry guys this is the truth here) think that intimacy = sex. It does NOT!
I know that, in my own personal life, I give all the emotion and affection I have to my kids all day. Children, like an over-demanding boss, can sap the emotion out of you. When my husband gets home in the evening sometimes its hard for me to want to be intimate with him. And, sometimes its hard for him too, because all he wants to do is sit and relax. He's also one of those intimacy = sex kind of guys too.
Intimacy for a women is talking and cuddling. Its holding hand or playing with her hair. You would be amazed at what an unexpected hug can do to improve her mood.
And sometimes, intimacy is doing the dishes for her, or helping pick up after dinner. These are small romantic gestures that will reaffirm your affection for her.
Ladies, romantic intimacy for a man is different. Sometimes it can mean those small touches and looks. But mostly men are physical creatures; their idea of romance is if you initiate intercourse. But, I promise you that doing some small gestures will make him far more receptive to your kind of intimacy. Slip a love note in his lunchbox, send him a text that tells him how much you appreciated him taking out the trash last night. Even the roughest toughest man will smile and tuck away those notes and save the texts. Before we were married I wrote my honey a "have a good day at work" note. Six years later, I am cleaning our room and find a small box under the dresser I never noticed before. I look inside, and find a collection of every anniversary card and love note I have ever written him, including the first note from before we were married.
The point to this? Intimacy is important for a healthy relationship and sex life. Without intimacy your sex life won't be as good, and without a good sex life your relationship will start to have problems.
I am going to start a series of 5 posts this week (excluding this one) about the 5 things that make a solid foundation for a solid relationship. Feel free to add things as we go!
Taboo topic #1: Masturbation
I know some of you are hastily clicking the close button right now, but for the rest of you hang with me! (No pun intended)
Some people are from the school of thought that its not good for you, and some are from the school that says in moderation its okay! As for me, I am from the second school.
Masturbation, in both men and WOMEN, is healthy and natural. I come from a family that doing 'that' is no acceptable. Period. But, as I got older I have found many things out. Masturbation is healthy (much more so than say having multiple partners) and its a great release for frustration and stress. Its also healthy for your future sex life, or your current. We all know how aggravating it can be to not orgasm when you know your close or that you should. Here's the thing ladies (and some guys too) if you masturbate, by yourself, then you can take the time to find out what you need to get you there. I had a teacher in 11th grade (so serious) that put it like this, "Masturbation is natural and healthy. Think about it like this if you don't know what you like, how can you expect your partner to know what you like?" A profound statement that made an impact on me.
We are pleasure driven creatures, motivated by instinct. Several other species of animals masturbate. Why? Because, hey it feels good, and also because it ensures that when its time to actually reproduce offspring you know how to do it. Some people think that we should evolved past that point, but truthfully we haven't. When you're hungry you eat, when you're tired you sleep, and when you need sexual release you take matters into you own hands!
This comes with a caution though, please remember that there's a time and place for everything. And frequent masturbation in adults (not so much for teenagers) could be a sign of something more serious.
If you have a taboo topic you'd like me to talk about you can send me an anonymous comment here or send one to my e-mail. I promise I will use the ut-most discretion and names, addresses, and comments will never be posted for others to see.
Happy Hump Day everyone!
However, I know a good chunk of women out there that read romance novels to keep themselves interested, and some just enjoy the read. I am a huge fan of Gena Showalter and her whole Lords of the Underworld series...and pretty much all of her other books too. AND I have to say (since I just finished this book recently) Kresley Cole's Dreams of a Dark Warrior is pretty darn amazing...and hotttt!!! The latter is a new author to me, and I will most definitely be finding the rest of the series!
Happy Thursday y'all!
Y'all today's woman is A-Freaking-Mazing!!! This gorgeous lady is Pauley Perrette. Some of you may recognize her as the forensic scientist from NCIS. I think I may have a girl crush on her!
On top of being one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, she has degrees in Sociology and Psychology, a successful acting career, she's a published writer and musician, AND a civil rights advocate! AND she's 40 years old this year....seriously!!!
First off: Why is it important to exercise your pc muscles? These muscles (also referred to as your abdominal floor muscles) are responsible for more than orgasm (though they are fundamental to have an orgasm, and the stronger the pc muscles the better the orgasm). They also control your urine flow. If you leak a little urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh it most likely means that your pc muscles are weak. Often, while you are pregnant, after you have a baby, or as you age these muscles become weakened and you begin to have trouble with incontinence. Doing Kegel exercises can help re-firm these muscles so you can be in control again.
Article found here.
Picture found here.
You can read the full article here.
Today's Fantasy Man some of you may recognize as the lead male actor for the TV series Bones. Following our 'beauty come in all forms' trend, I thought I would post a man who (believe it or not) is 40 something years old.
Now, y'all I'm 26, so I don't go for those older types, but for this man I think I would make an exception!
Found here.
TIP 1: Blindfold Your Partner. It increases the other senses.
TIP 2: Give Instructions. No one is born knowing this stuff.
TIP 3: Give A Massage. Relaxes and makes your senses keener.
TIP 4: Roll Play. Keeps things fun and interesting.
TIP 5: Share Your Fantasies. This is highly erotic, and your partner will want to make them come true for you.
TIP 6: Play a Sexy Game. Strip poker, love dice, etc...
TIP 7: Talk Dirty. Super sexy for both parties. Start neutral if you don't really know what to say.
TIP 8: New Positions. Try new positions, and if you lack imagination, buy a Kama Sutra book.
TIP 9: Toys. For him and her. The article mentions C-rings which are a good his and hers option, as vibrators can be added to either side (if that's the kind you buy). It also helps to keep the erections longer.
TIP 10: Location, Location. Change your location. Doing it somewhere semi-public is a huge turn on for some, but if you are worried about getting caught then do it in a new location in your home. Some place other than the usual.
Keep it fun and sexy and relaxed and you will have a great experience!
Found here.
Clean and Clear: If you are worried about smell or hair getting in your way, take a sexy shower and mention to her that you really like it trimmed or hairless. Women are pretty good at getting the point.
Eat Your Ice Cream Slowly: Don't be over aggressive when you start. Its a really sensitive area and you don't need to be so firm when you start. Pretend its an ice cream, lick it up and down and gently part it with your tongue and do the same thing inside.
Explore: You can do things with your tongue that you can't with your Johnson. Make love to her with your tongue. Explore the inside of her vagina. And vary the sensations she will feel by using a firm hard tongue or a soft wide tongue. And remember to always to back to the clitoris. A fun fact is that most women have to have some degree of clitoral stimulation to reach an orgasm.
Do the Hoover: Most men don't think about sucking when they go down on a woman. The truth is that it does the same thing for a woman that is does for a man. Sucking very gently (or a little harder if that's how she likes it) on the clitoris while making a swirling or flicking with your tongue is going to drive her wild. Use your fingers to make love to her WHILE you do the Hoover and she will almost always have the big O. (No not Oprah the other big O)
Finger on the G-Spot: If you find you need help getting your lady love to the finish line, use your finger and gently rub her G-Spot. The position changes for each woman. (And may indeed change after she has a baby. FYI). But most generally its located about 2 1/2 to 3 inches inside the vagina on the front side (the belly button side not the back bone side). You'll know it when you feel it as it has a roughish-bumpy texture.
Hmmmm: Yes humming while your down there adds a vibration that will probably have her climbing the walls. Pick a low note for max vibrations
Relax: This seems silly to say, but the more tense you are the more tense she will be, and if she is tense she will never orgasm. So relax, breathe, and have fun with it!
Article found here.
I have heard from lots of women and men, since my husband and I have journeyed into parenthood, that often times one person feels neglected. My own personal advise is this: be patient and COMMUNICATE! I know its hard sometimes to express how you feel to your partner (especially when moods are on the postpartum roller coaster), but you really have to try. Nine times out of ten your partner won't know that they have been lacking in their attention for you.
There is trick; however, to talking to each other about this: Do it when everyone in a good mood, and at a time when the baby can't interrupt you. Also, take the blame for this. Start off the conversation with something like "Honey, I know you are doing the best you can, but I feel like I'm being ignored." The conversation doesn't have to go exactly like that, but I promise your partner won't respond well if you start putting the blame on them right away. For example "Your not paying enough attention to me!" or "All you do is play with the baby." Your partner will immediately get defensive or hurt. Talk it out nicely and put the blame on yourself and how you feel.
Here are some other tips to keeping the love alive after your little bundle of joy arrives:
Talk about non-baby things, like work or friends, or life in general.
Go on dates. This is hard for a lot of new moms, but it doesn't have to be a long date. Even an hour away to go for a walk or a drive together is okay. But make sure all baby conversations are left at home. Your mind will be put at ease if you leave Junior with someone you trust.
Show your spouse you appreciate them. Tell them verbally, leave a note, send flowers, call during lunch, any small gesture to say you care and love and appreciate them will do wonders.
Be Intimate. This does not necessarily mean that you have to have sex. Being intimate can simply mean holding hand, kissing, back rub, playing with each others hair (yes ladies, most men LOVE this as much as you do), etc. Of course having sex every now and again is also important too!
Have Fun. Laughing and talking are the building blocks for a good solid relationship. Just make sure you laugh together and have fun.
Article found here.
I thought I would start them off with a subject most men would agree is SOOO important to them: oral sex.
TIP 1: Make eye contact with him. Men are greedy creatures and like lots of attention. Also, they like to see if you are enjoying it too. So, if you put a little sexy in your eyes he will be like putty in your hands.
TIP 2: Hands ON! The article says that the average man is 5 to 6 inches. I personally tend to disagree with this. I think that the average man is closer to 3 to 5. Even knowing this, the average mouth is only 2 to 3 inches deep. So, to give the illusion of 'taking him all the way' use your hands where your mouth leaves off. Add a little twisting motion and he will think he's in heaven! Lubrication and gloves also add a different sensation! Don't be afraid to play with his testicles. Gentle fondling or even gentle tugging, or any touch on them really, while you're down there will put him in heaven!
TIP 3: Ask for assistance. Women are not born knowing how much suction to apply down yonder. It's okay to ask him what he wants. To give you a better idea, and to keep it sexy, ask him to suck on you finger with the same force he'd like to have on his member!
TIP 4: Clean and Clear. Some women find the flavor of their partner too strong. Or that the fuzz is too much for them. Make this a sexy start to your intercourse. Ask him to shave or trim it up for you. Maybe even suggest that you'd like to do it (that's a turn on for some guys). Then take a sexy shower or bath together so that everything is nice and clean. This will make your time in the land down and under much more pleasing and palatable.
TIP 5: The Tongue. Some women forget to use their tongue! Make swirling motions with it to keep him interested. The under side of your tongue is very soft and smooth; use it on the top of this erection, just behind the head, or on the underside in that little V area.
TIP 6: Ice Cream Anyone? You get the idea without me saying too much here. Lick him up and down much the same way you would an ice cream cone!
TIP 7: Rhythm. Find a good rhythm that doesn't wear out your jaw to much. The article has a very good idea for rhythm that I will be trying myself! It will also help him to stay sensitive versus just a constant one rhythm bob.
TIP 8: Blow Job. Get him nice and wet by licking and then very gently blow on the moist area. This is a whole new experience for him!
TIP 9: Teeth. Now some men like that GENTLE scraping sensation of your teeth on their shaft. But for those that don't, here's what you do. First lick the front of you teeth so that they are moist. Then turn you head and run the FRONT of your teeth along the shaft. Its all about sensation!
TIP 10: Love Bites. Pretend his penis an ear of corn and nibble your way up and down. Use your lips and teeth very gently.
TIP 11: Ice Ice Baby. Take a drink of something cold or pop a small ice cube in your mouth and go to work. It also helps to keep your mouth moist whilst you work!
TIP 12: Mints. I've never tried this but, again, I will be! Pop a Cert or Mint Lifesaver in. The menthol (that's what makes your mouth tingle) will do the same for him!
TIP 13: Upside down. THIS IS MY FAVORITE TRICK AND I WILL TRY IT AND REPORT BACK TO YOU!! Lay on you back on the couch or bed with your head hanging off the side. Have him stand in front of you and do the moving. This gives you an idea of how he likes it, and if you are worried about him thrusting to deep you can use you hands on his hips to keep it him from getting too into it!
TIP 14: Oh Balls! Take your tongue and start on the outside of one and make a U shape that ends in the seam in the middle. Then go back down the same seam and up the other side in another U. The pattern is a rounded W shape. He will like this, I promise!
You can read the full article here: http://www.redbookmag.com/love-sex/advice/oral-sex-tips
Never fear ladies, I have another article planned so that they (the men) can read about how to make it good for you coming next week!
If you have a subject you want me to research and discuss just email me! sspassions@yahoo.com