Monday, April 11, 2011

Romance after Baby

Today is about keeping your romance alive after having a new baby. Often the stress and sleeplessness of having a new baby can put some major strain on your love life. This is true weather you've bee married (or committed) for a few months or a few years.

I have heard from lots of women and men, since my husband and I have journeyed into parenthood, that often times one person feels neglected. My own personal advise is this: be patient and COMMUNICATE! I know its hard sometimes to express how you feel to your partner (especially when moods are on the postpartum roller coaster), but you really have to try. Nine times out of ten your partner won't know that they have been lacking in their attention for you.

There is trick; however, to talking to each other about this: Do it when everyone in a good mood, and at a time when the baby can't interrupt you. Also, take the blame for this. Start off the conversation with something like "Honey, I know you are doing the best you can, but I feel like I'm being ignored." The conversation doesn't have to go exactly like that, but I promise your partner won't respond well if you start putting the blame on them right away. For example "Your not paying enough attention to me!" or "All you do is play with the baby." Your partner will immediately get defensive or hurt. Talk it out nicely and put the blame on yourself and how you feel.

Here are some other tips to keeping the love alive after your little bundle of joy arrives:

Talk about non-baby things, like work or friends, or life in general.

Go on dates. This is hard for a lot of new moms, but it doesn't have to be a long date. Even an hour away to go for a walk or a drive together is okay. But make sure all baby conversations are left at home. Your mind will be put at ease if you leave Junior with someone you trust.

Show your spouse you appreciate them. Tell them verbally, leave a note, send flowers, call during lunch, any small gesture to say you care and love and appreciate them will do wonders.

Be Intimate. This does not necessarily mean that you have to have sex. Being intimate can simply mean holding hand, kissing, back rub, playing with each others hair (yes ladies, most men LOVE this as much as you do), etc. Of course having sex every now and again is also important too!

Have Fun. Laughing and talking are the building blocks for a good solid relationship. Just make sure you laugh together and have fun.

Article found here.

1 comment:

  1. well I can comment now anonymous. I wonder why i couldn't. Oh well. Love it and totally agree with them.

